Editor’s Choice

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Taking wedding photos

最近買了個新玩具 ProView S3手機用的穩定器 想來錄些婚紗工作的花絮 沒想到一玩就上癮啦 . 昨晚從youtube惡補了 final cut 這套剪輯軟體 果然錄影真的有太多學問了 要拍好影片真的需要太多前製的想法和後製的剪輯能力 (我還是乖乖拍照好了⋯⋯) . 是說昨天婚紗新人真的太歡樂了 還有男主角 NBA 級的中場射籃秀 加上幾招婚紗拍攝引導秘技(? 分享給大家歡樂一下~~~~ — 攝影: OhHiYao 早安攝影工作室 造型: 朱飾戴吉-新娘秘書 (Visited 173 times, 1 visits today)

Northampton Racecourse

It’s a great stabilizer! Thank you very much! Some test footage using the new Nevin ProView S3 3-Axis stabilizer. Shot with an iPhone 6s using the camera app, the front camera, the ScopeFlare app and then adding a counterweight, using the Moondog Anamorphic 1:33 lens adapter and filming through Filmic Pro. Filmed in Northampton Racecourse […]

Unboxing ProView S3

【開箱日記】戶外拍影片一定配上這個神器 NAVIN ProView S3 🎥戶外拍影片一定配上這個神器🎥 🎬讓你怎麼拍都像是專業🎬 邊跑邊拍攝也沒問題 快來看看時麼東西吧 ㊙還有下集預告唷+片尾寫真影片㊙ ———… (Visited 212 times, 1 visits today)

La Casa dei 7 Raggi

Made with Love and ProView S3 from Italy! Thank You so much! Good week dear friends and friends, We thought of you a little gift in Autumn! Come with us to the house of the 7 Rays. Follow Federica Ronchi, the fairy magic. Through this video is a bit like “feel” to get there. Thoughts […]

Young hockey player

感謝你們開發 平價的雲台 (Visited 77 times, 1 visits today)

Giulia e le Magie di Natale

A short clip of Magie di Natale featuring a pro view gimbal 3 asix and filmed with iphone All filmed with iPhone 6Plus and ProView S3 Gimbal Stabilizer (Visited 81 times, 1 visits today)

Running after Merci

很驚訝跑步追著Merci還可以拍攝這麼穩定流暢!很棒的產品!拍攝手機為iPhone5s (Visited 72 times, 1 visits today)

Dolphins in the ocean

使用ProView 在海上拍海豚喔 … 坐在搖搖晃晃的船上, 一點都不受影響 Dolphins playing near Amakusa Islands (Visited 91 times, 1 visits today)